Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant and its seeds are commonly used as a spice in Asia and many Indian cuisine. It’s not surprising to say that about 80% of the Fenugreek in the market comes from India known as the home of Ayurveda. The fenugreek extract appears to significantly improve muscle strength and weight lifting power output. Recently, fenugreek seed extract has made its way to bodybuilding supplement stores, as recent studies have shown that the seeds of the plant were able to increase testosterone levels, strength output, and even growth in hormone level.
Men dramatically improved their performance and athletic abilities with Fenugreek extract’s help in building stronger muscles. Some of the benefits of the seed extract are explained.
Protein content in Fenugreek
Fenugreek is extremely rich in proteins; eleven grams of the extract contain about three grams of protein. This may not sound like a lot, but proteins found in fenugreek are of extremely high quality and more importantly, they are natural and safe due to which bodybuilders avoid exposing themselves to synthetic ones, which are not natural and may cause damage.
Iron content
Iron increases blood’s abilities to transport more oxygen to muscle cells, which makes it really important for building strong muscles. Having low iron levels does not allow muscles to stretch and increase in size.
Energy levels
Fenugreek extract is associated with an increase in resistance levels and the energy levels available in the body. Thus we may say that consuming fenugreek is going to make bodybuilders train more, and do more in less time!
Lowering inflammation levels
By lowering the inflammation levels in the body, energy levels increases. High inflammations are going to increase the body’s risk to diseases, lower resistance to infections, and on the long run, make the body look older and unhealthy. Fenugreek is very rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and especially antioxidants, which are the ones responsible for lowering inflammation levels and are crucial for preserving overall health by protecting healthy cells from damage.
Zinc content
Although zinc may not “appear” as very important for bodybuilding, it is. It’s responsible for keeping energy levels healthy, and without zinc, body feels fatigue and exhaustion very quickly. Fenugreek is very rich in zinc and provides the body with healthy amounts that is not only very beneficial for keeping energy levels up, but is also very important for maintaining the immune system healthy and functioning optimally.
Getting rid of toxins and germs
A lot of bodybuilders are training extensively and consuming very rich food without ever achieving “amazing” results! This may be because of excessive parasites and germs in their intestines with which they share their food, energy, and even more. They release toxins in the blood stream of the bodybuilders. Fenugreek seeds and extract are very rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-septic molecules and more importantly, fibers, which are responsible for getting rid of toxins and parasites.
Chemforce is an innovative product rich in protodioscin, which plays significant role in maintaining and improving testosterone levels, which further contribute in muscle mass building and safe sports supplement. It’s a unique blend of highly powerful ingredients, Furosap® which is a patent protected and clinically evaluated fenugreek seed extract and Alpha Yohimbine which is a known aphrodisiac. Furosap® has been proven safe and effective for maintaining overall energy and vitality in men.