Yoga has become more successful in treating PCOS than typical medication and normal exercises. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where women start generating higher than a standard number of hormones. Performing Yoga For PCOS poses three to five times each week help to eliminate this hormonal disease.
Among the significant causes of PCOS is stress. Yoga, meditation, and pranayama exercises are helpful to recover from the medical condition. Furocyst brings 10 successful yoga poses for women which will help normalize their hormonal levels and eliminate PCOS over the passage of time with Yoga For PCOS.
Listed below are 8 yoga asanas for girls suffering from PCOS:
Nadi Shodhana- Alternate nostril breathing

This pranayama yogic pose calms the mind in addition to help indigestion. It improves hormonal balance by proper energy channelization. Start with sitting at a comfortable posture or kneel down resting your hips on your heels. Place your thumb on your right nostril and breathe in. Pause your breath for some time and then release it from the right nostril. Now repeat this Yoga For PCOS asana with the right nostril. Repeat this asana for three minutes to get the best results.
Baddha Konasana- Butterfly pose

“Prevention is better than cure”. This yoga pose additionally functions as a preventive measure to PCOS. It eliminates pressure by relaxing the pelvic area. Sit cross-legged in a vertical posture. Don’t cross but combine your feet near the pelvis. Bring your heels close to your genitals. With a tiny bit of strain on thighs and legs, flap them such as a butterfly. Repeat this yoga pose for a minimum of one moment and take rest. Repeat thrice. Do not overexert yourself though; start with two repetitions should you get exhausted or feel pain.
Bhujangasana-Cobra pose

This asana is significantly beneficial for PCOS management in women of each age. This yoga pose ensures better functionality of ovaries. Lie down on your stomach and then raise the upper half of the body. Look upwards and require the aid of your palms while increasing. Make sure your toes touch the floor. Your shoulder should be straight. Try not to hold over 30 seconds in this yoga pose. Duplicate it 3-5 times to reap its advantages.
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Naukasana-boat pose

Naukasana is among the best PCOS poses which help to retrieve the normal hormonal imbalance in women of all ages. It’s also an efficient method to get rid of belly fat and get a flat abdomen. Lie back on the ground keeping your shoulders and arms directly. Inhale and raise your feet, head, and arms and create a vessel like an arc. Try to hold this posture for at least 30 seconds. Beginner women may find it hard to hold for such long but practice will make you perfect within a couple of weeks.
Do you know being overweight can cause PCOS? Check out this rapid weight reducing yoga poses.
Dhanurasana- Bow pose

Relieve your menstrual distress for this PCOS yoga pose. To perform this asana, first, lie down on the abdomen. Grip your ankles and raise your upper body such as a stretched bow. As you rise keep inhaling and attempt to maintain the posture for a minimum of 30 seconds. As you get back to the resting position, breathe out. You could come across a bit difficult to hold for longer durations initially, but as you gain experience on this PCOS pose, you will find that this asana simple to perform.
Prasarita Asana

Yoga asanas and Pranayama have several health benefits. This PCOS asana helps increase blood flow in the ovaries and releases stress from hips and lower back. While standing open your feet wide parallel to one another. While bending your knees slightly, bend forward with a flat back. Bring down your palms to the ground allowing your upper body weight rest on arms. You can flex your knees liberally if you have flexibility problems. Repeat this pose for 5 occasions.

Malasana yoga pose strengthens your pelvic floor and greatly helps in eliminating PCOS. It is a simple yoga pose that begins with putting feet wider than hips making a 45-degree angle. While exhaling, you need to bend your knees so that your hips come down towards the floor. As your cool reaches above the ground, raise your arms and press your thighs open. Simultaneously, feel a lift throughout the hips by forcing them. Lift your chest into the rear of your elbows and squeeze your shoulders down your back. Hold this for 8 breaths and repeat 3 times.
Shavasana- Corpse pose

Shavasana is regarded as the simplest yoga pose however, it functions as a good to conquer PCOS and hormonal imbalance in women. Ladies, it lets you completely unwind and balance your hormones. Allow your body and mind to relax by just lying on your back. Open your legs slightly apart and put your arms onto the ground too. Take a deep breath for 3-5 minutes and repeat if you would like to. This rejuvenating yoga pose will help you decrease your stress levels and gain energy.
Mankind has reaped the benefits of Yoga since Vedic times. Yoga For PCOS is not simply a cure but a lifestyle. For girls, PCOS is a traumatic condition and Yoga has significantly assisted in beating this hormonal disorder. Yoga For PCOS shouldn’t be practiced as a therapy, but just like a lifestyle to reap maximum benefits and live a wholesome life.
Start Yoga now, stay healthy forever!
You might even opt for Ayurvedic medicine for PCOS, FUROCYST is proprietary and clinically assessed merchandise for the management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). It’s single herb merchandise extracted from Fenugreek seeds. It’s been scientifically processed without affecting the chemical properties of the active ingredient to give a maximum advantage.